Get Caught Reading Competition – Year 8
This half-term the English Department ran the Get Caught Reading Competition with Year 8. They were encouraged to be photographed reading (either their favourite book or the book they are currently reading) in an unusual and creative place. This was also a nation-wide campaign to encourage a love and fun of reading, for all ages.
After two weeks, the competition ended on Monday 11th May and there were many photographs to pick from. Mr Boundy (ACO for Year 8) was entrusted to make the all-important decision of picking the winners.
The overall winning entry was chosen based on it being the most obscure and the picture that best fitted the brief. An Amazon voucher and a Principal’s Commendation were awarded. The second place submission won a Principal’s Commendation for the most creative picture, and the use of Photoshop to gain an advantage! Third place was issued jointly for interesting photos, each student winning ten merits for their submissions.
It was lovely to see many Year 8s engage in the competition. Hopefully, we can do more competitions in the future!
N Khanan